What we do

What we care for

Restoring hope to the less-privileged

We believe that the less-privileged people doesn’t require much in most cases, even if we cannot offer much to them; our compassionate, act of remembrance and any other kind gesture occupies a very big space in their hearts, it changes their perception to life and focus in life.

These little acts open them up to a hopeful life; that as long as there is tomorrow, life is going to bring better opportunities along their way; their spirits are uplifted, instead of focusing on their poverty, their minds are renewed and they begin to respond to the direction of making their better tomorrow.

We care for all their rights to be met at all levels of their life.

We care for a better tomorrow and a brighter future that lies ahead of them.

It is our joy to see how these little compassionate and kind gestures restores hope to these people and their community.

What we do

We fight for the rights of our focused vulnerable groups to be protected and met

Being in the state of underprivileged, no good things usually comes to you, not many cares to pay attention to what you are able to access or what you lack; whether you eat or live on an empty stomach; you access good health care or not; you access education or not; you sleep under the bridge or not; you are protected or not and many more.

Fortune Hands Foundation believes that every other person has the same right regardless the state of fortune or misfortune of life.

We fight hard to ensure that right to good child development, adult supervision, protection, good health, education, good nourished food, good shelter and many rights are accessed by all our focused groups.

We find shelter and loving home to raise homeless orphans and abandoned children

We work hand in hand with social welfare department to find homes to accommodate the orphans left without guardians and the babies who were abandoned by their mothers; while we are working to connect with families whether within or beyond boarder  to foster or adopt them.

We Educate

We believe that education gives people inner strength to lead a better life, as such;
We encourage school dropout children from underprivileged homes and the street children to enroll back to school.

We award grants and necessary school supplies to underprivileged students at all levels of education that enrolls back to school and those who are on the verge of dropping out.

We enroll under life skill set training programs adolescent street children who are unable to return to primary or secondary schools.

We partner government to enroll children living with albinism and of other disabilities at their boarding school facilities to create safe and easy accessible learning environment for them.

We raise awareness about post-natal depression

Post-natal depression suffered by adolescent girls and young single mothers  with unwanted pregnancies is the most neglected issue which is left unresolved, resulting in high cases of killing and abandoning of newly born babies.

We raise awareness  about post-natal depression and maternal mental health issues in collaboration with Ministry of Healthy; to offer these young mothers options of placing their babies in foster care and adoption to families who are able to love and care for these babies,  rather than dumping them or terminating pregnancies.

We take street children out of the streets

We partner with Social Rehabilitation Centers to introduce programs that take these children off the streets and house them in their facilities; we intensify counselling and mentorship programs to restore childhood innocence to these children

We restore hope to the disabled

We partner with hospitals beyond boarders to deploy to Malawi specialists to perform corrective surgeries for malformations and children involved in various kinds of accidents, among many other issues; to provide us prosthesis for missing limbs, in-ear hearing aids; and other equipment such as wheelchairs, walking aids, to ease their day-to-day activities.

We do more...

We Find & Fund

We are in search of opportunities to help as many underprivileged as possible. We approach, help and fund all those who are in need.

We Educate

Today’s youth need a helpful hand and right guidance at every stage. Here’s where we take care of them like our own.

We rescue baby orphans

We register newly born orphans left under the care of underprivileged guardians into our feeding program from the age of 0-2 years old; we also partnering with different stakeholders to assist these children in one way or the other.

We care for the underprivileged elderlies, widows and women

We provide social welfare needs such as shelter, clothing, food stuff and many other necessities to sustain them in their day to day life as need be.

We empower underprivileged widows and women

We offer training to underprivileged widows and women with life skill set. We help them to identify their area of strength and assist them with capital to set up businesses for their long term sustainability.

We put a smile on prisoners face

Prisoners are other neglected group of people because of many reasons the society might have. We believe that little time spent with them and the little gifts offered to them helps to list up their spirits.

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